Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Semi-Triumphant Return! Wherein everyone sits.

Ok, so that took a LOT longer than anticipated. I'm sure you were all waiting with baited breath, right? RIGHT! So, I have a few sketches, mostly blue-line that I'll post today. Let's get started, shall we?
Here we have a couple jerks. I'm trying to get better at drawing people sitting. Anytime I put legs into the mix, it's usually a disaster. So he's sitting on NOTHING! HOORAY! Sitting, check, chairs come next. Damn those chairs.

Speaking of those damn chairs, that is me failing at drawing a couch. And legs.
By the by, the guys I'm drawing just happen to be some old characters of mine and a friend's. Since I've moved on from a lot of my more weeaboo inclinations, sometimes it feels weird drawing elves and catboys, but I still enjoy the characters, so they get drawn anyways!

After drawing this picture, I realized that I know NOTHING about drawing guitars and if he's holding it all wrong, I would NEVER KNOW. Also, clothing folds still seem to elude me. Alas, still so much to work on!

That concludes this edition of sketchblog! I'll post more sketches tomorrow now that I have a working scanner!

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