Saturday, November 6, 2010

Say Whaaaaat

Look, I made a crappy comic!

The Bolt is my friend's character and Pocket Girl is mine. They're on a team called Stormfront together. It is awesome.
The Bolt is way more angsty than Pocket Girl, but I don't think she'll let him be for very long. 8D

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Oh haaaay. Remember how I used to post on here? Me neither. I am terrible at keeping up with things like this. I am so sorry. LET ME POST MANY THINGS TO MAKE UP FOR IT!

Umm, to start off, I drew this while drunk. It was a request from Sofi who asked for her character, Eriol, beating up Faoust for a change.

Here's a sketch I did of Pocket Girl. She was going to be holding something, but I never got around to finishing it. I ended up liking the pose anyways, though.

I'm fiddling with my style again, so here's Jimmy and Todd from Spooked, being all buddy buddy and whatnot.

And a slightly more agressive Jimmy.

I do not like the coloring of this, but whateves. It's a print I did for AWA. It was Mori Girl fashion inspired.

And the next few are just a dump of some of the more recent Homestuck drawings I've done. It's pretty much taken over my art lately DD:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birds and Spooked stuff

Sorry I didn't get last week's post. I was in Cape Cod. Here's some junk now:
Here's Jimmy being all boringly posed and whatnot. Just a doodle of him, whatever.

Drake and Jimmy at the top, and Drake looking like a little jerk. Which he is. I was trying to get him look right after not drawing him for a long time.

Here are some birds drawn from antique bird cards. Mom wanted me to sketch them. I really like drawing birds and I'm not sure why.
And finally, have another finished bird to look at. That outta make up for the time I missed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Greatest Enemy

My friend and I like to exchange drawing prompts when the creative juices run low. It's a fun way to entertain ourselves and each other.
This time she asked me to draw Faoust versus his greatest enemy. I decided to pit him against pudding cups. I mean, really? Who can resist pudding?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More Homestuck

Well, since I'm still in Savannah, I haven't really felt like doing anything other than fanart.

So, have another Homestuck drawing!

Hooray for color!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I came back to Savannah to see my friends for a few days. Sofi and I tend to be pretty violent towards one another. This is pretty much what happened.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Alright, so to make up for me being a lamer, I will post a colored picture! Hooray!

So yeah, there's a watercolor of an indigo bunting. I've been doing some bird paintings lately. I dunno, there's nothing more relaxing than painting some birds.

Also, I started reading a webcomic called Homestuck on
Here's 2 of the characters, Karkat and Dave.

It's a super fun comic and I recommend it. It's like a video game, cartoon and comic combined. Glorious.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sorry again!

I am a loser. My comp's brain fried for a little bit and then I had to finish a project, so I'm behind on sketches. I'm hoping to catch up real soon, though!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some gangly kids.

Look at that! 2 updates in a row! Miraculous! I didn't lie!
So for this post, we have 3 sketches. One thing I love to draw is kids. Gangly kids. Big heads, big hands and big feet. Anyways, here are a few I've done recently.

Here's another one of those pesky catboys. I dunno, you put cat ears on a kid and they're cuter or something. This kid's name is Eloi.

These kids are from my upcoming comic, Spooked. That's the tentative title right now, but I kinda like it. Anyways, the kid with the black hair is Jimmy. He's a normal kid. The girl doesn't have a name yet, but she's a werewolf. The dog there is her werewolf form. Admittedly, the poses are not inspired, but I mostly just wanted to get her design right. I THINK I like this one.

One thing I have never been able to quit drawing is Danny Phantom. Every once in a while, he sneaks into my sketchbook despite the fact that I have long since stopped watching the show. this is one of the only inked drawings I've done recently, so enjoy...I need to put some feet on him sometime...

That's it for today!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Semi-Triumphant Return! Wherein everyone sits.

Ok, so that took a LOT longer than anticipated. I'm sure you were all waiting with baited breath, right? RIGHT! So, I have a few sketches, mostly blue-line that I'll post today. Let's get started, shall we?
Here we have a couple jerks. I'm trying to get better at drawing people sitting. Anytime I put legs into the mix, it's usually a disaster. So he's sitting on NOTHING! HOORAY! Sitting, check, chairs come next. Damn those chairs.

Speaking of those damn chairs, that is me failing at drawing a couch. And legs.
By the by, the guys I'm drawing just happen to be some old characters of mine and a friend's. Since I've moved on from a lot of my more weeaboo inclinations, sometimes it feels weird drawing elves and catboys, but I still enjoy the characters, so they get drawn anyways!

After drawing this picture, I realized that I know NOTHING about drawing guitars and if he's holding it all wrong, I would NEVER KNOW. Also, clothing folds still seem to elude me. Alas, still so much to work on!

That concludes this edition of sketchblog! I'll post more sketches tomorrow now that I have a working scanner!